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首页 > AEIS > 考试资讯 > AEIS口语如何得高分,提高口语发音很重要


2022-03-16 17:27:25


  One of the most important aspects of learning English is pronunciation. Without clear pronunciation, it is difficult to make yourself understood. First start by learning individual sounds. After that, focus on the music of the language. You might be surprised by the following statement: Pronouncing every word correctly leads to poor pronunciation! Good pronunciation comes from stressing the right words - this is because English is a time-stressed language.


  In other words, some words - the content words - receive more focus, whereas other words - function words - are less important. Learn more below.


  Here's How to Improve Your Pronunciation:

  1.Start with learning individual sounds. These are called phonemes.


  2.Use minimal pairs to practice individual vowel sounds. Minimal pairs are words in which only one sound changes. For example, pop - pep - pip - pap changes the vowel sound. Using minimal pairs helps you isolate a sound to really focus on the small changes in sounds between vowels.

  使用最小对立体来练习单个的元音。最小对立组就是只有一个发音不同的词组。例如,pop - pep - pip – pap中只有元音在变化。使用最小对立组能够使你将一个音单独挑出,将注意力集中在小小的元音变化上。

  3..Learn pairs of consonants that are voiced and voiceless and practice through minimal pairs. For example, f / v the 'f' sound is voiceless and the 'v' voiced. You can recognize the difference between voiced and voiceless by placing a finger on your throat. Voiced sounds vibrate, whereas voiceless sounds do not vibrate. These pairs include: b / p - z / s - d / t - v / f - zh / sh - dj / ch.

  将清音和浊音的辅音通过最小对立组进行成对练习。例如,f/v中的f是清音,而v是浊音。你可以通过将手指放在喉咙处来判断清音和浊音的区别。如果是浊音,喉咙会震动,清音则不会。这些组合包括:b / p - z / s - d / t - v / f - zh / sh - dj / ch.

  4.Learn the difference between pure vowels and diphthongs such as the 'oi' sound in 'boy' or 'aee' sound in 'tray'.

  学习单元音和双元音之间的差别,例如boy中的oi, tray中的aee。

  5.Learn the following rules concerning pronunciation.


  6.English is considered a stressed language while many other languages are considered syllabic.

