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AEIS英语语法中介词out of和outside 的用法

2019-05-08 10:25:50

  AEIS课程是一个非常不错的试炼,我们可以通过学习AEIS课程来加强我们自身对世界的大局观和了解,学习AEIS课程也不是仅仅只是为了应付考试,它对你的出国影响还是非常大的,能给你的人生带来不一样的变化,所以小编为大家总结了一下AEIS英语语法中介词out of和outside 的用法,希望能够帮到你哦!

AEIS英语语法中介词out of和outside 的用法



  Remember to write us a letter please. 请记着给我们写信。

  I will return the book to you tomorrow. 我明天还你书。

  Fetch a chair for me, will you? 给我取一把椅子好吗?


  I have found the book and give it to her.我找到了那本书,并给了她。


  give, show, send, bring, offer, read, pass, lend, leave, hand, tell, return,write, pay, point, play, save, spare, order, sing, find等。

  The teacher gave us a lot of homework.= The teacher gave a lot of homework to us.老师留给我们很多作业。

  He bought flowers for his girlfriend.out of 和outside 的用法

  1. out of:


  He got out of his car.他走下车来。

  Is she out of hospital yet?她出院了吗?

  She brought something out of her bag.她从口袋里拿出一样东西。


  Bedelia looked out of the window.贝迪丽亚向窗外望望。

  We like to eat out of doors in summer.夏天我们喜欢在户外吃饭。

  It was good just to be out of doors.单是在户外就很愉快。


  He watched the country out of the window.他从窗口眺望田野。

  They couldn't get a word out of her.他们从她口里一句话也得不到。

  It was made out of ivory.这是用象牙做的。


  They have done that out of concern for us.出于关心我们他们才这样做。

  We did that out of gratitude to you.我们由于感激你才这样做。

  He did it out of curiosity.他这样做是出于好奇。


  She is already out of danger.她己脱离危险。

  Put that out of your mind.不要想它了。

  Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。(谚)

  6)(out of作表语)用完,没有:

  She was out of funds.她的钱用完了。

  He quickly realized he was out of ammunition.他很快明白他的子弹用完了。

  Clementine is out of work.克列门苔现在失业了。

  2. outside 在……外面:

  They left the car outside the main entrance.他们把车停在大门外边了。

  Outside the window it was a charming morning.窗外是迷人的早晨。

  She has never been outside the city.她从未出过城。

  He threw the ball to me, and I caught it.= He threw me the ball, and I caught it.他把球扔给我,我接住了。

  下面就是小编写的AEIS英语语法中介词out of和outside 的用法,虽然不是很完美,但是如果你没有找到自己的做题方法,那么可以参考一下小编写的,小编写的不一定对,但是总好过与自己瞎打瞎撞,如果你们想做一些AEIS模拟试题,可以在线咨询我们哦!

AEIS英语语法中介词out of和outside 的用法
